The SUITS gang has launched an attack on your city. Play as triangle-headed protagonist Tri Gazer and use your power of Aura to take down the gang and keep your city safe!

The power of Aura grants boons upon the user, but it always comes with a cost... luckily, you'll have a chance to hone your skills, strengthen your Aura, and learn more skills throughout your adventure!

In Stargazer, your Aura serves both as your health pool and as a resource you can use to upgrade your skills, forcing you to consider whether that extra attack power will really be worth it... But with the Safe Zones throughout the level, you can replenish your Aura as well as allocate Aura to the various skills you've unlocked. Wish you hadn't taken that extra attack power over more ranged attacks? Go ahead and switch it at a Safe Zone!

In place of EXP, defeating enemies gives you extra Aura; however, the more you fight the same enemy as it respawns, the less Aura you'll get from it.

Come see us at the Florida Poly Game Expo on December 4th, 2021!

Music and sound effects from

All models and textures were made by me.


Download 43 MB

Install instructions

There are some performance issues with the HTML version, especially in the final level; these are not present in the downloadable .exe file. It is recommended to download the game as the optimal way to experience Stargazer.

Simply download the "" file, extract it, and run the "Stargazer.exe" file to play.

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